Salvage and Procurement:Search Tenders

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If no category chosen, then all categories will be searched.

Terms and Conditions

Note that items indicated in red below will link to supporting documentation.

  • Terms and conditions can be found here

Additional Conditions:

  • Successful bidder will be responsible for removal of the equipment or goods.
  • Inspection will be by appointment only and bidders MUST comply with all safety regulations while on CPKC Property. US Safety Regulations|CAN Safety Regulations
  • CPKC will charge storage fees, at its discretion, for thirty days to bidders that do not remove the equipment or goods by the REMOVAL date. After thirty days, CPKC reserves the right to:
    • Offer the equipment or goods to the next highest bidder without further notice;
    • Initiate legal action with current bidder;
    • Remove bidder from future offerings
  • Successful bidders will be notified. Bids to be valid for a minimum period of 90 days.
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