Salvage and Procurement:Search results

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The following tenders matched the search criteria specified. Click on the red Tender number to view the details of a tender or to place a bid.

If tenders are Posted they must be bid on competitively with other bidders.If tenders are in EPosted status, please click on the tender number, then, on the View Tender window click on the link in the detail field to take you to the external website for bidding

Search Results: 
TenderFOBClose DateDescriptionStatusHigh BidCurrencyException #
P7009 As Is / Where Is 9/25/2024Extended : 1 - Smoke Extractor - Diversitech - Golden BC POSTED CAD
P7016 As Is / Where Is 9/27/20243 - KCS - DASH 9 locomotives - Shreveport, LA POSTED USD
P7017 As Is / Where Is 9/20/20241 Lot of Lifters and lifting bars - Winnipeg MB POSTED CAD
P7018 As Is / Where Is 9/20/20241 - Ballast Regulator - Snow Fighter - 7211-27 - Knox Kershaw - Superior WI POSTED USD
P7019 As Is / Where Is 9/26/20241 - ForkLift - F95010 - 1995 NISSAN KPH02A25PV - Port Coquitlam BCPOSTED CAD
P7020 As Is / Where Is 9/26/20241 - ForkLift - F95011 - 1995 NISSAN KPH02A25PV - Port Coquitlam BCPOSTED CAD
P7021 As Is / Where Is 9/26/20241 - ForkLift - F11014 - 2011 CATERPILLAR PD10000 - Scarborough ON POSTED CAD
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