Salvage and Procurement:View Tender

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Procurement Information
These are the general details of the tender.
Tender #:  P6981 Status:  Cancelled
Type:  Procurement Sell By:  Each
Bid Currency:  USD
Categories:  Locomotives / Locomotive Parts
Item Information
This is the specific information about the item.
Item:  1 - Cancelled : Locomotive - GP38-2 - CP7309 - Alyth - Calgary AB
Quantity:  1 each
1 - Cancelled  Locomotive - GP38-2 - CP7309 -  Alyth - Calgary AB

Note : This tender has been cancelled.  Unit is no longer available for sale.  

Unit Number 	 CP7309
Model 	 GP38-2
Year 	 1972 -  rebuilt in 1990

• Note : 
CPKC may decide move the locomotive to the closest (CPKC) interchange at no charge and Buyer's offer should reflect that move in email to before closing date.

Comments: Sold As Is Where Is With all faults -  Must inspect and certify yourself. Locomotive listed come with no warranties, expressed or implied.

Pictures are for information purposes only, and are not intended to represent the condition of the item or its ability to perform. Inspections are strongly recommended.

Every person that would like to come on site to view the item will have to schedule an appointment and comply with all “Minimum Safety Requirements while on CPKC property”, 
Which means bring their own PPE (boots with 8 inch uppers, hat, glasses, vest and gloves.

CPKC Railway makes no representations of condition. Bidders shall be responsible to make their 
Own determination on the suitability and operation condition of the equipment before bidding on units.

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Dates and Delivery
These are the key dates related to the tender.
Preview Open :  Preview Close: 
Open Date:  6/21/2024 Closing Date:  7/19/2024
Available:  Upon Payment Removal Date:  Upon Payment
Payment Date: 
Viewing Info:  Eric Laverdiere at 514-475-5623 Email : Product Location:  Building 1, 2441 Alyth Rd. SE , Calgary AB
FOB:  As Is / Where Is (Locked) Display Comments:  no
Contact Information
This shows the contact information.
Eric Laverdiere at 514-475-5623
Email : 
 For inquiries regarding this posting, please send your email to
Misc Notes
Additional Notes are listed here.
Information provided in this RFQ are for informational purposes only. Canadian Pacific 
Railway makes no representations of condition.  Bidders shall be responsible to make their 
own determination on the suitability and operation condition of the equipment. Inspection 

Terms and Conditions

Note that items indicated in red below will link to supporting documentation.

  • Terms and conditions can be found here

Additional Conditions:

  • Successful bidder will be responsible for removal of the equipment or goods.
  • Inspection will be by appointment only and bidders MUST comply with all safety regulations while on CPKC Property. US Safety Regulations|CAN Safety Regulations
  • CPKC will charge storage fees, at its discretion, for thirty days to bidders that do not remove the equipment or goods by the REMOVAL date. After thirty days, CPKC reserves the right to:
    • Offer the equipment or goods to the next highest bidder without further notice;
    • Initiate legal action with current bidder;
    • Remove bidder from future offerings
  • Successful bidders will be notified. Bids to be valid for a minimum period of 90 days.